Impact is a church located on the eastern edge of Downtown Temple with a unique mission of making the Gospel of Jesus accessible to those on society’s margins. Our community is extremely diverse and includes people experiencing acute needs, like housing, employment, food security, and access to mental healthcare. We are bound together by God’s goodness and called together to serve the needs around us.

Meeting the immediate and long-term needs in our community requires that we work together and partner with friends, organizations, and other faith communities. We are committed to seeing God’s kingdom breaking through barriers and restoring lives, families, and neighborhoods. We invite anyone to prayerfully discern whether God is calling you to participate with us at Impact.

A Joyful Collaboration

Our ministries bring together people’s acute and long-term needs with our community’s resources. Your presence, your strengths, and your stories can be the gifts God uses to change someone’s life forever!

  • Experience new, life-changing friendships
  • Serve, and be served by, the “least of these”
  • Listen to the voices of the socially and economically marginalized
  • Share your gifts with the spiritually hungry
  • Witness God breaking into new places in new ways

Bring Your Church!

We love partnering with church groups and local organizations to better serve our community. After all, some of our favorite events have been someone else’s idea! If you’re looking for Christian mission trips, outreach opportunities, or a service projects for your church, small group, or organization, please reach out to us. We would love partnering for something as simple as providing a Sunday meal or as big as hosting groups for Summer mission trips!

Interested in Opportunities to Serve?

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Friends from Vista Community Church


Providing and serving lunch on Sunday is an excellent way for a small group to help us extend gracious hospitality to those in our community.


Share your musical gifts and help lead the church in worship, either as a musician or guest praise team. We celebrate diverse styles and voices.

Kids & Youth

Help us share the gospel with the Next Generation by joining our team of dedicated teachers who have a passion for creative education and discipleship.

Warming Shelter

Serve in our warming shelter, which opens when overnight temperatures fall to around freezing. Stay overnight, or help by providing a meal or cleaning up afterwards.